Friday, 12 December 2008

Lol. Roflcopter. I'm Philosophical Mayn (H)

So. W'sup. I'm new to this thing. And I have found its pretty damn awsome. I've read a few other blogs, and to me they all seem to be pretty philosphical. Maybe I should put something philosophical in here. Just to look cool and fit in.

I hate fitting it. That's what most people spend their whole life doing, trying to fit in, or trying to differenciate themselves from everyone else so that they feel special or look different. We live in a world thats so ironic. Be the same as everyone else, but at the same time an individual. God damn it, why can't we just be who we are?

See.. Philosophicalness :p

I hate odd numbers. Don't they just stick out at you, and shout,
'I'm so different, look at me I'm ODD!'
But then again, even numbers are so boring. Like 2 for example. What's so special about 2? It's just so dull.
The number 6 has a bit of both, being only a multiple of prime numbers and all. 6 is special to me. I like 6.

According to the blogspot site, I'm 114. But I'm actually 14. Soon to be 15. 114's another number I like. It's such a positive thing, unlike 81, the bastard.

I hate people who have no taste in music. I understand people might like different artists or styles, but people who just listen to the rap trash you see on music stations, those are the people you know haven't really lived. The people who class you as an emo or a goth for listening to rock music, when all you're really doing is indulging in an art form higher than what they could ever or even try to understand.

I Hate Stereotyping.

I go to a very multicultural school in the north of London. A school that's got a bad reputation, but people shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. It's a good school. It has pretty cool people in it. And I have pretty cool friends. :P Sometimes. When they let themselves go.

Speaking of books, I love books. Books are amazing. They open your mind to a whole new dimension, take you to places you've never been before, allow you to explore thoughts and ideas you've never thought possible. Some girl said to me the other day
'You neek, you read about 2 books a day! How do you do it? I've never got through an entire book in my whole life!'
And to me, someone who's been reading proper books since I was about 6, I found it almost impossible to comprehend how someone could not have ever thought to open the pages of a dusty old tome, or a crisp, freshly printed book, and to indulge in the characters, the life, and the problems of another world. How they refused to open themselves to see what was beyond them and look towards an open mind.

I Recently Fell In Love With David Bowie.

I take Geography, Spanish, Music and Drama, alongside all of the other boring subjects we're made to do in life. I have a passion for photography though, especially when it's just been snowing and the frost is in crystals at your feet. I Love my music lessons. However I hate english literature with a passion. Not because I hate books, but because of the way in which teachers tell you to interpret text. Not once do I ever think a author has thought to themselves,
'Oh, how do I make this randomly obscure sentence about setting link back to the way in which a character prefers his food just before he goes to sleep?' or 'Maybe if I write this paragraph like this, then I can convey several different baffling meanings to the audience at once and so show numerous things from the way in which I have used this one dull adjective.'
I mean, why would a writer ever think like that? Or a reader read like that? It's not as if you go that in depth into a story whilst reading it for the first time. Most people (i.e. The people who actually read a story for comfort and entertainment rather than those who read it for an analysis assignment) would just read it, fall in love with a character, hate another, empathise, and that's what makes a good story. One you can really get into and relate to.

I Hate Homophobia.

Recently I have given up on all forms of male kind. They are good for nothing. The ones who are meant to be your friends aren't really, the ones who are nice to you just want something else, and the good ones sometimes are just so plain stupid that they cut you in half with most of the things they say. Girls are much better company. No wonder boys like us so much. We're amazing. (That was rather feminist. Haha, I'm not a feminist. But I do think girls are MUCH easier to understand than boys. But some boys are pretty awesome. Just a few are dickheads. I really shouldn't have made a generalised attack. I'm sorry.) And on the subject of boys, I'd like to briefly give my opinions on love. Love hurts too much. At this age. What we really should be doing is having fun, not growing up before our time. Experimenting. Sometimes its good to have a relationship. But when it gets too serious, people get hurt and fall out. Sometimes its good to be different, but in affairs of the heart, you should usually just go with the crowd. Because when you do get hurt, there will actually be somebody you can relate to and talk to. Someone who will listen to you and tell you what to do. Someone to make you feel better. Someone that I don't believe I had.

I've told you what I like and what I dislike. What I hate and what I love. And I've been pretty damn philospical in the process.


  1. That was a Shit Long Blog. Allow commenting on myself. :P I'ma lowlife

  2. lizi that was freaking amazing.
    our minds are linked! we freaking think so alike!
    you just expressed everything i've ever wanted to express but didn't know how.
    love you lots. xx

    oh and, damn straight girls are amazing.

  3. Excuse Me !! What Was That About Boys ? And Which One Of Those Was I !? And Hi Guys !! Also Though, it was v.goood !!


    I love equality, I'm a communist for chrissakes, but c'mon, we're not that bad. You're stereotyping us.

    Anyway, frickin' awesome post.

  5. Haha I know :P I was pretty damn tired and emotional when I wrote that last bit. It was at three in the morning and I was high on coffee/caffiene overdose. I'm sorry. Not all boys are that bad. Just the ones that I'm close to are :)

  6. then why the hell are you close to them?!

  7. Because they are the the only people in my school that'll accept me and hang out with me. It's either the really bitchy annoying girls, or the less bitchy, shallow boys. The two groups that mainly sum up my school :P

  8. thats really cool!!
    i dont agree with you on the numbers thing though. i think all numbers are unique. whether they are odd or not, numbers are just here to help us solve problems and name things.

  9. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooo Odd numbers are scary
